Coin and Token Listings


Listing your coin on ParadyneX

We offer several different solutions for different coins from a number of blockchains. We presently are open to listing coins on ETH, Tron, BSC and Stellar blockchains.  Our goal is to form a long-term partnership with each coins team and community to assist in each coins growth.
Listing a coin on ParadyneX Exchange can be completed within 14 days and trading can start immediately after listing is live.
We do not stop at just listing your coin on our exchange, we want your coin to thrive as much as you and your community do. With that being said, when we decide to list a coin on our exchange, we begin to notify the crypto world, not just through our social media platforms but also via Press Releases, email blasts, trading competitions and more… 
Listing a coin, even on a small cryptocurrency exchange can and will elevate your coin and community to new heights, with an average of 5x Increase in coin price and millions in monthly volume.

How to apply for coin listing?

To start the process, contact us as sending the following information:
  1. First and Last name of Founder or CEO
  2. Company Email
  3. Coin Name
  4. Coin Ticker
  5. Preferred Trading Pair (BTC/BNB/ETH/USDT)
  6. Blockchain your project is built on (ETH/BSC/TRX….)
  7. Project website


We will respond to your email as quickly as possible. Also understand for security purposes, this is the only way we will communicate about coin listings, through Though we may reach our to different coin founders, we will always communicate details through this email and only this email.